Bid and Proposal Preparation
Responding to Canadian Government procurement requirements is rigorous, technically challenging and time consuming. Whether you're considering a bid to work with the Canadian federal government, a provincial or municipal agency, or to contract with foreign governments and OEM’s – DEW has seen it all and successfully managed complex bid submissions as both a prime contractor and as sub-contractor to major international OEMs.
Adherence to Canadian Industrial Participation Requirements
Industrial Participation is known in Canada as Industrial Technological Benefits (ITBs) and Value Proposition (VP). It is a policy governed by Innovation Science and Economic Development (ISED) that requires companies that win Canadian defence and security contracts place business activities in Canada at the same value of the contract.
A core element of the ITB approach is a rated and weighted Value Proposition. Bidders are motivated to put forward a Value Proposition for Canada in their bid proposal, which will directly influence which bidding firm wins a contract. DEW understands the objectives of the Government of Canada with respect to the ITB Program as a key element of an overall winning bid strategy. At DEW, we work with corporate decision makers and develop strategic methodologies to win bids.